
One mission of Innovation 80 is to act as a catalyst to spark connections and collaborations for our grant recipients. We are successfully serving that end in a number of ways, including the following: 

Apprenticeship Program

We offer grantees the opportunity to choose a recent graduate of ChiArts to serve as a part-time apprentice to help further their organization’s mission. The grantee crafts a job description, ChiArts advertises for applicants to be interviewed and selected by the grantee; Innovation 80 provides a stipend. Several of our grantees have taken advantage of this initiative.

Springboard Foundation Grant Extension

Springboard’s mission is to give grants to very small start-up organizations, usually supporting them for a five-year cycle. They have agreed to notify Innovation 80 of arts organizations that are completing their fifth year so that we can consider funding them. Our 2022 grantee MUSIC Inc. was the first of their graduates to be selected.

FreshLens Event Photography Opportunities

FreshLens, an organization that teaches photography to teens in underserved communities has conducted an advanced course in event photography. Innovation 80 offers funding to its grantees to hire FreshLens students who have successfully completed this course to photograph their organization’s events. Several grantees have snapped up this offer.

Partnerships facilitated with Grantees

Innovation 80 sparked Ignition Community Glass to partner with Storycatchers Theatre to create a summer program in 2021 for Storycatchers youth to be introduced to the basics of glass blowing. It was so successful, they planned to repeat it with other participants in 2022. Additionally, each organization plans to seek out another collaborator.

Innovation 80 convened a meeting for all their grantees that run programs in North Lawndale, in order for them to learn about each other and to explore opportunities to collaborate.

The Kedzie Center, a mental health clinic, partnered with 2nd Story to engage DACA students to tell their stories. Innovation 80 funded the initiative.

Green Star Movement is partnered with North Lawndale’s Pop-Up Spot to create a mosaic statue that serves as a Welcome sign to beautify and attract interest for the site’s museum. Innovation 80 is funding the project.

Innovation 80 has introduced MUSIC Inc. to Stone Temple, which has agreed to house their new Suzuki violin program beginning fall, 2022.

Innovation 80 has encouraged ReinventAbility to spearhead DisFest, their initiative for an annual festival that features arts by people with disabilities. This will involve our grantee A.B.L.E., among many others.

We have put our Operations Manager, Michael Dias, who is a trained actor specializing in physical aspects of theater, in touch with Theatre Y. He briefly participated in their pilot puppetry program.

Innovation 80 fosters collaboration between organizations engaged in different art forms, stimulating people to expand their horizons. Two I80 Founders, Carol and Arnie Kanter, use a collaborative approach to pair Arnie's photography and Carol's poetry in four books, deepening contributions of both.

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Invited to dance 

Glide with grace beyond measure

Slow, sexy, in sync