To be eligible for Innovation 80’s CoGen grant, an entity must:
Be invited to apply by Innovation 80.*
Be a nonprofit organization with evidence that it has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
Be located within Chicago.
Focus on the arts and culture.
Propose a specific project for which the grant will be used.
Describe how the project will benefit a disadvantaged population.
Devise an intergenerational focus, involving people 25 & younger and 55 & older.
Have an organizational budget that does not exceed $2,000,000.
In addition to the above requirements, the following will be considerations, during the evaluation process:
The project is innovative.
The project involves teaching skills basic to an art.
The project is led by someone who lives or works within the community the organization serves.
The project would be fun for participants.
The project is unlikely to be realized soon or at all without the grant.
The project is a new or existing collaboration between the applying organization and another nonprofit organization.
*Organizations wishing to apply for a grant should send Innovation 80 an email of not more than 500 words describing how they use the arts to connect generations and support underserved populations.